I went and saw my Dr today and had several things I wanted to talk about. One of them was this weird mole I have on my face. It showed up a few months ago and has gotten bigger. She looked at it and doesn't think it looks bad, but wants me to see a dermatologist. I'm not worried, just want to be careful. I also wanted to talk about my knee and back pain, which has increased again. It seems to around this time of the year. I think it may be because of the change in the weather and the fact that when it starts to get nice I want to be out more and am walking around more. I especially like to yard sale, but my pain keeps me from being able to do a lot of it. She wants me to try a new medicine, it is an anti inflammatory, because I asked her for no narcotics. She also wants me to go to a pain clinic and try injections in my back. I am a little unsure about this, but the pain in my back is sometimes unbearable. She also wants me to try taking physical therapy, just to see if they can help lessen the pain. I will try anything at this point. She read my last MRI and the tried to explain to me that this is a life time long chronic condition. I think maybe she thought I wasn't aware of this. I am, and have accepted it, but really want to try and lessen my pain so I can try and enjoy my life a little more. One other thing I am looking in to is getting the lap band procedure done to help me with my weight. I have always been heavy and accepted that I would never be a super model and that was fine. My husband loves me just as I am and that was all I needed. The reason I am looking into it now is because less weight means less strain on my joints. That all equals decreased pain. I am very unsure about it. My sister has had gastric by pass and has had a rough time of it. I will be seeing and talking to someone about this and then make an informed decision. I also need to find a psychologist that will accept the Access card so I can begin to deal with my PTSD. I am no longer taking the anti-depressants because they just didn't seem to help. The sunshine seems to do much more for me. Hope everyone has a great weekend and that it is sunny! LOL
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